Thursday, 10 November 2016

Lucky's Arts Centre Labyrinth Opens with Big Celebration

Thank You!!!!!

Labyrinth Opens with Joyous Celebration!!
Lucky's Arts Centre Labyrinth opened in style by about 50 enthusiastic supporters on Saturday November 5 with a group walk through the labyrinth followed with a shared lunch on the Arts Centre deck.  Thanks to all who came and made this a memorable day, especially for me, Joyce, as I was also celebrating my 70th birthday and the beginning of the next phase of my life.

Thank you to all of you who have helped bring this dream into reality. 
  • The large and diverse group who have shown interest in and support for the project - although many of you have been unable to offer hands on support, your willingness to share this dream has provided the energy which has made it happen.
  • To my onground team, especially Glenys, who has been my right hand woman and backup,  my husband Bob who both did a lot of the heavier labour in building the labyrinth, and was the mainstay of the kitchen help at the party Saturday, and Selwyn, Kim, Leonie, Ferdie, and Sue who provided invaluable backup support and labour.  It was definitely a case of having the right helpers at the right time - thank you all!!!
  • To the Lucky Birthday Cake team, especially Carol who did such a great job of the decoration, and the cooks Kim and Leonie.
  • To the donators of all the bricks that made the labyrinth - we even have a small stock leftover to seed further planning!!
  • To Shirley and the Arts Centre team for their support and negotiations with the Council, and for giving the Labyrinth a home.
  • To Lucky, the Labyrinth mascot, whose smiling face reminds us all of the importance of playfulness, adventure, creativity and laughter in our lives.
Thank you all!!!

If you haven't yet visited the labyrinth, it is open to all every day during daylight hours.  When the Centre is open (Tuesday to Sunday 10 am to 4 pm), you can park in the front parking lot and access the labyrinth through the Gift Shop. Alternatively, and at all times, you can drive down the Ring Road (to the left as you drive in from Sunderland Drive), and park between the labyrinth and the Art Centre.

Bring a picnic and enjoy the new picnic table in the Bicentennial Gardens on the other side of the Centre - just follow the Ring Road  around.  The Arts Centre is also at the start of a network of very enjoyable and easy bushwalking tracks through the nearby National Park.  Further information here.   And don't forget to visit the Art Centre Gift Shop and Galleries for beautiful hand-made work at attractive prices, and to enjoy the creativity of our local artists.
This marks the end of the first stage of our First Labyrinth.  I hope in the next few months - and especially the New Year to find and write the stories the labyrinth has to tell, and to add puzzles, games, and other treasures, and a geocache to the Labyrinth and to Lucky's Treasure Chest. 
I will keep you updated!!!