Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Summer solstice 2019 Celebration to Hallelujah

Summer Solstice at the Labyrinth

Celebration to Hallelujah!

Join our Summer Solstice Celebration to mark the longest day of the year in a Soundwalk at the labyrinth, being aware of the sounds around you, and joining in playing with sound devices in the Labyrinth.  Saturday 21 December 10 am at the Labyrinth followed by coffee and/or lunch at the Art Centre's Cafe 191. Everyone welcome.

We are also celebrating our mural in the Art Centre Courtyard (Photos above) which salutes the labyrinth and brings colour and joy to the Centre, and is further described below.

Thank you for your continuing interest in and support of the labyrinth, if only from a distance, and we hope to have more exciting activities involving sound and explorations into our own journeys along the labyrinth of life next year. May you continue to find joy in our increasingly complex and challenging world.


A reminder of our sound meditations at the labyrinth every Tuesday morning at 7am.

This description

Monday, 18 November 2019

The Finished Mural



Come Celebrate!!!

What:  An informal gathering of friends of Joyce and the Art Centre labyrinth with coffee and cake at the Art Centre's Cafe 191.

Why:  To celebrate
  • The third birthday of the Labyrinth,
  • Joyce's 73 birthday,
  • The finishing of the final stage of our mural which now celebrates both our life journeys, and the many-faceted facility that is the Arts Centre,
  • Our friendships and the amazing lives that we all live today
When:  Saturday 2 November from 9:30 am. (the Bicycle User Groups regular Banksia Beach ride - so you can ride with us from the Information Centre at 8 am if you wish.)

Where: Cafe 191 Bribie Island Arts Centre, Sunderland Drive.  Enter by back gate near the labyrinth.

How:  We supply the cake, lovingly made by Corey, the chef extraordinaire at Cafe 191, and you can buy his great coffee - or other drinks.  An opportunity to visit, walk the labyrinth, and view our mural.

Hope to see you there,

Joyce  0439 329 334