Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Seasons greetings!!!

Bribie Labyrinth looks forward to 2017
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Lucky's Musings

Thanks and season's greetings to everyone who have together made this labyrinth possible, whether through active help, interest and encouragement, or by visiting and walking the labyrinth.  Together we have created a very special place.

The geocache at the labyrinth is now active, and attracting interest in the geocaching community for its originality and interesting location.  More information can be found here.

The labyrinth also has some bright new (and hopefully reasonably permanent!) bunting.  As well as brightening and adding interest to the site, it is encouraging suggestions for further development of the labyrinth in 2017.  Possibilities are almost endless, but include painting the path red (or rainbow colours), adding symbols to the path as a puzzle and/or story, and adding artwork to the site to encourage people to look around and stay awhile.  Please reply to this email if you have comments or suggestions.

If you have a chance while you are visiting, please use the broom and rake near the entrance sign to tidy the site, untwist the bunting and perhaps add to the central circle - a few tools are available in Lucky's Chest.  A bit of care from us all will keep the site tidy, and feeling loved.

And not only people are walking the labyrinth (see below)!!!!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Lucky's Arts Centre Labyrinth Opens with Big Celebration

Thank You!!!!!

Labyrinth Opens with Joyous Celebration!!
Lucky's Arts Centre Labyrinth opened in style by about 50 enthusiastic supporters on Saturday November 5 with a group walk through the labyrinth followed with a shared lunch on the Arts Centre deck.  Thanks to all who came and made this a memorable day, especially for me, Joyce, as I was also celebrating my 70th birthday and the beginning of the next phase of my life.

Thank you to all of you who have helped bring this dream into reality. 
  • The large and diverse group who have shown interest in and support for the project - although many of you have been unable to offer hands on support, your willingness to share this dream has provided the energy which has made it happen.
  • To my onground team, especially Glenys, who has been my right hand woman and backup,  my husband Bob who both did a lot of the heavier labour in building the labyrinth, and was the mainstay of the kitchen help at the party Saturday, and Selwyn, Kim, Leonie, Ferdie, and Sue who provided invaluable backup support and labour.  It was definitely a case of having the right helpers at the right time - thank you all!!!
  • To the Lucky Birthday Cake team, especially Carol who did such a great job of the decoration, and the cooks Kim and Leonie.
  • To the donators of all the bricks that made the labyrinth - we even have a small stock leftover to seed further planning!!
  • To Shirley and the Arts Centre team for their support and negotiations with the Council, and for giving the Labyrinth a home.
  • To Lucky, the Labyrinth mascot, whose smiling face reminds us all of the importance of playfulness, adventure, creativity and laughter in our lives.
Thank you all!!!

If you haven't yet visited the labyrinth, it is open to all every day during daylight hours.  When the Centre is open (Tuesday to Sunday 10 am to 4 pm), you can park in the front parking lot and access the labyrinth through the Gift Shop. Alternatively, and at all times, you can drive down the Ring Road (to the left as you drive in from Sunderland Drive), and park between the labyrinth and the Art Centre.

Bring a picnic and enjoy the new picnic table in the Bicentennial Gardens on the other side of the Centre - just follow the Ring Road  around.  The Arts Centre is also at the start of a network of very enjoyable and easy bushwalking tracks through the nearby National Park.  Further information here.   And don't forget to visit the Art Centre Gift Shop and Galleries for beautiful hand-made work at attractive prices, and to enjoy the creativity of our local artists.
This marks the end of the first stage of our First Labyrinth.  I hope in the next few months - and especially the New Year to find and write the stories the labyrinth has to tell, and to add puzzles, games, and other treasures, and a geocache to the Labyrinth and to Lucky's Treasure Chest. 
I will keep you updated!!!


Friday, 28 October 2016

Art Centre Labyrinth now welcoming visitors!!!

BICAS Labyrinth now welcoming visitors!!!

BICAS Labyrinth now welcoming visitors!!!

We are delighted to announce that the BICAS Labyrinth is now open for visitors one week before the Official Opening on Saturday 5 November at 1 pm.  There are still a few things to do before the opening, but the basic labyrinth is now available for all to enjoy.

Two great events at the Centre this weekend so it is a great time to drop in and have a pre-opening exploration of the Labyrinth. 
  • 'Beneath the Bark', the annual exhibition by the Bribie Woodworkers Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm,
  • The monthly Art Centre Vibe  Markets Sunday from 8:30 am to 1 pm featuring the Vibe Cafe offering breakfasts, morning tea and lunch with lots of vegan alternatives. 
The boundary rope of the Labyrinth has been moved closer to the Labyrinth for the Markets, but will be returned to its normal position close to the Ring Road after the markets (and all BICAS Markets).  The labyrinth is accessible through the Arts Centre Gift hours when the Centre is open (10 - 4 Tuesday to Sunday), or by following the Ring Road (turn left) around during daylight hours any day and you will find the Labyrinth with its bright red Welcome sign and seating on your right.

Don't forget the Grand Opening of the Labyrinth and Joyce Newell's 70th Birthday Celebration on Saturday 5 November at 1 pm in the Courtyard of the Arts Centre.  (details can be found here ).  Please RSVP by replying to this email if you are able to come, or just come if your plans change at the last moment.  Bring something to share for lunch.  

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Exciting new labyrinth opening at the Arts Centre - a general overview.

I wrote the following as a press release - and to get a short overview of the labyrinth in one place

An exciting and innovative project has been happening under the banksia trees next to the Bribie Island Arts Centre this month. Joyce Newell and a small team of enthusiastic helpers have been creating a meandering labyrinth out of donated bricks that twists and turns through the banksia woodland beside the Arts Centre and ends at a peaceful circle with comfortable seating.

To our modern eyes used to speed and efficiency, such meandering pathways appear to be designed to confuse, frustrate and annoy by leading people along an inefficient and time-wasting route for no material reward. However, for many people, walking a labyrinth has the completely opposite effect. Walking the labyrinth brings out child-like senses of fun, wonder, curiosity and joy in people of all ages. In addition, when one walks thoughtfully and patiently, the walk can be a powerful way to stimulate creativity, answer difficult questions, and to begin looking at the world differently.

The BICAS Labyrinth has a special unique feature. The end circle is a peaceful, shady spot where one can sit and contemplate, or visit with friends. Here the walkers can explore a treasure chest containing a visitors book, ideas for interesting games and activities related to the labyrinth, and information on activities available in the Arts Centre and the neighbouring Gem and Woodworking Groups.

Stage 2 of the labyrinth (in 2017) will involve adding artwork to the labyrinth, and discovering, writing, and illustrating the stories it has to tell. These books will be available in the treasure chest for walkers to enjoy. The treasure chest will also house a geocache, linking the labyrinth to the world-wide network of geocaches (see www.geocaching.com). There will also be a wheely-walker-friendly path to reach the end circle so those unable to walk the whole path can still enjoy the special surroundings.

The Opening Celebration of Stage 1 of the BICAS Labyrinth will be held at the Arts Centre on Saturday 5 November at 1 pm, and will feature a group walk through the labyrinth. Everyone is welcome – please bring lunch to share. The celebration is also a 70th birthday celebration for Joyce Newell, the main designer of the labyrinth. For further information contact Joyce 0439 329 334 or visit bribielabyrinthproject.blogspot.com.

As an addendum:  
Archaeological records show labyrinths engraved on rocks and constructed with stones have been made by man since 30,000 BCE. In recent centuries labyrinths have been built in churches to support spiritual rituals, and more recently in many schools, hospitals and parks as places of relaxation and enjoyment. ref: http://library.ciis.edu/resources/subject/archmyth.asp


Friday, 14 October 2016

Invitation to Opening Celebration November 5 1 pm

BICAS Labyrinth Week 3 Goals
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Labyrinth Building Month

Week 3

Work times - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 7 am to 10 am  All helpers welcome for even just a few minutes.

We have made very good progress this second working week with all the bricks set into the ground, mortar under about two thirds of them and mortaring between the bricks well started.  Thanks to all those who actively helped - and to the many  who are supporting the project in the background.

Goals for Week 3
1. To finish putting mortar under and between the bricks, and push the sand back to fill in beside the bricks.
2. To spray paint the benches for the central circle zen red!

Date to remember - Grand Opening and Joyce's 70th Birthday Party Saturday 5 November 1 pm - shared lunch Please let us know if you are able to join us in this celebration.

Any questions  contact Joyce 0439 329 334  3408 7743 or visit bribielabyrinthproject.blogspot.com.au

See you there - all help and curious visitors welcome


Saturday, 8 October 2016

Help needed to set bricks in place

Week 2 starting Sunday 9 October

Work times - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 7 am to 10 am

Help needed - especially Sunday

Almost all of the bricks are now in place, and the next stage is to dig a trench so the bricks sit just below ground level, then to put mortar under them.   We need people to dig the shallow trench (easy digging in Bribie sand), to mix mortar, and to use it to set the bricks in place.

Helpers need to be comfortable working sitting on the ground, and/or digging - and since this excludes quite a few of our potential helpers - if you can help, your help would be particularly appreciated.  Many hands make light work.  If possible, bring gloves, a trowel, secateurs, a favorite shovel if you have one - and your sense of fun and adventure.

Hopefully by the end of the week, we will have all the bricks in place, and may have time to think about decorative details.

Progress report

Thanks to all the angels who delivered bricks just when we needed them.  It has been an exciting week!

Overview of part of the site with bricks laid out on surface
First bricks in ground - still need mortar underneath to hold in place.

Date to remember - Grand Opening and Joyce's 70th Birthday Party Saturday 5 November 1 pm - shared lunch

Any questions  contact Joyce 0439 329 334  3408 7743 or visit http://bribielabyrinthproject.blogspot.com.au/

See you there - all helpers and visitors welcome


Saturday, 1 October 2016

Week 1 Plans BICAS Labyrinth Construction

Week 1 Plans BICAS Labyrinth Construction

Welcome to October, and BICAS Labyrinth Building Month!!


Week 1 starting Sunday 2 October

Work times - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 7 am to 10 am

Goals for the Week and Help Needed

1. Put up rope to define labyrinth area - and to keep cars from parking on labyrinth -  Painting hardwood sticks for supporting rope, and laying out rope.
2. Colouring 'No Parking Labyrinth Area' signs and hanging them on the rope.
3. Making a larger temporary sign to explain what is happening!
4. Laying out labyrinth in rope.
5. Picking up bricks from Ningi and Bellmere (probably on Saturday Oct 8) - a heavy duty trailer or utility would be helpful.

Date to remember - Grand Opening and Joyce's 70th Birthday Party Saturday 5 November 1 pm - shared lunch

Any questions  contact Joyce 0439 329 334  3408 7743

See you there - all help and curious visitors welcome

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Introducing Lucky Labyrinth!!!

 Lucky, and his friends Bindi and Bandi

Lucky will bring a smile to the faces of all labyrinth visitors,and, along with Bindi  Bandi and others, will feature in labyrinth-related publicity. signage, and books. 

Layout of the Labyrinth

We have a provisional design - only in this rough sketch and not on the ground - which winds between trees and out into more open areas, and has the magic feel that walking a winding path that takes you in unexpected ways can bring.  The photo shows some of the various bricks we plan to use.  Our trial layout showed that the feel of the path changes with the size and type of brick  so the more different bricks we can get, the better.
Rough path of labyrinth winding through trees for about 70 metres
Rough layout of bricks which will be buriedlaid so they are  level with the ground and  can be walked on and beside without tripping.
Centre of labyrinth

Labyrinth Centre

The shady central circle will have seating and a medium-size meta lbox (suitably painted, and with a plywood top so it can be used as a seat) which can hold lots of treasures such as a visitors book, information on the labyrinth and the  Art Precinct, puzzles and games and a geocache. The box will be securely fixed in place, and locked with a combination lock.  The combination can be found by walking the labyrinth - or from the BICAS desk.

What's Needed

Spaces between bricks will be filled with mortar - and we are looking for fairly flat, small 1 to 2 cm rocks or pebbles that could be set into the mortar to add visual interest.

Bricks and pavers of all sorts, sizes and quantities can be added (neatly) to our piles beside the boardroom.  We have offers of other bricks near Ningi and Bellmere and need a ute or heavy duty trailer to pick up a load in early October - please let me know if you can help.

What Next????

I am off to the Kimberleys until 30 September, and the building of the labyrinth will start on Sunday, 2 October and will continue most Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays (weather permitting) 7 am to 10 am.  All help  welcome - just come along!

November 5   1 pm  Grand Opening of Labyrinth and Joyce's 70th birthday celebration
( The basic labyrinth will be finished, with signage and artwork etc to be added over the next year or so!!)