Help needed to set bricks in place
Week 2 starting Sunday 9 October
Work times - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 7 am to 10 am
Help needed - especially Sunday
Almost all of the bricks are now in place, and the next stage is
to dig a trench so the bricks sit just below ground level, then to put
mortar under them. We need people to dig the shallow trench (easy
digging in Bribie sand), to mix mortar, and to use it to set the bricks
in place.
Helpers need to be comfortable working sitting on the ground,
and/or digging - and since this excludes quite a few of our potential
helpers - if you can help, your help would be particularly appreciated.
Many hands make light work. If possible, bring gloves, a trowel,
secateurs, a favorite shovel if you have one - and your sense of fun and
Hopefully by the end of the week, we will have all the bricks in
place, and may have time to think about decorative details.
Progress report
Thanks to all the angels who delivered bricks just when we needed them. It has been an exciting week!

Overview of part of the site with bricks laid out on surface
First bricks in ground - still need mortar underneath to hold in place.
Date to remember - Grand Opening and Joyce's 70th Birthday Party Saturday 5 November 1 pm - shared lunch
Any questions contact Joyce 0439 329 334 3408 7743 or visit
See you there - all helpers and visitors welcome
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