Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Labyrinth mascot/host/hostess is an artistic challenge!

Labyrinth mascot/host/hostess is an artistic challenge!

Mascot - host- hostess for labyrinth


What I am really looking for!!!!!

Some people have misinterpreted the email sent yesterday advertising for a mascot for the Labyrinth at the Bribie Island Community Arts Centre - and think I am looking for a person to oversee the project on a voluntary basis.

What I intended to communicate is that I am looking for an artistic depiction of a charismatic character/mascot which could be used as a symbol for the labyrinth in signage, and publicity.  He/she/it will also be the main character in books written for both children and adults to promote the labyrinth, BICAS and Bribie.  This character would have a home at the centre of the labyrinth - and since he would be unpaid - he would be considered a volunteer!

Yesterday's email - plus other information on the Labyrinth Project can now be found at http://bribielabyrinthproject.blogspot.com.au/

Whether or not you consider yourself artistic, why not have a go at sketching a possible character/mascot, find him/her a name - and send it and your contact details to me.  I strongly believe that someone within our group can bring our mascot to life - and that someone might be you!

Thanks for your help,


PS   I will be at the labyrinth site on Monday 5 and Monday 12 September from 9 am to 11 am if you want to drop by for a chat about plans for the labyrinth, and to get a feel for the site.

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